Our default checkout cart and invoice pages give you all the information you need about transactions, but sometimes you'll want to customize what people see after they've registered for your league or event.

To edit your cart page, hover over the 'Admin' link in your navigation bar and click on 'Commerce'.

On the next page, click 'Cart'

This will open your Cart screen. Please note, this screen is only for pre-checkout.

On your 'Edit Cart' page, you can add content above or below the transaction information. This can be a logo, a warning, or really anything that can be done with text or images

By default, the Cart screen looks like this. 

You'll see two buttons that say '+ Add Cart Content'. Clicking either allows you to add an image or text to the page. Let's assume you want to add a logo to the top of the page. You can click on the top '+ Add Cart Content' button, and get the following screen.

Clicking on 'Image' will let you add an image that can link to an outside page. You can add the image from a file on your computer, a URL, or from files you've already uploaded. 

Once you click 'Create', the image will be added to your cart page. As a note -- if you add a link for the image, that link will open in a new tab, so your registrants won't lose where they were.

You can add text in much the same way. Clicking 'Rich Text' gives you a rich text editor that allows you to include text and links.

To edit your Invoice (post-checkout) page, click on the Invoice button on the right-hand side of the Edit Cart page.

This page is almost identical to the Cart page, except that instead of '+ Add Cart Content', the buttons say '+ Add Post-Checkout Content'.

NOTE: You can have different additional content on the cart and invoice pages. Things like cancellation policies should go on the Cart page, while weather contingencies would go on the Invoice page.