Event administrators have the ability to bulk register existing users into an event and assign these users to teams. Furthermore, the event admin can also set the role and registration status for the users.
To bulk upload a roster or set of registrants into an event, navigate to the Event Admin > Registrants panel and click on Upload Team Roster (if you do not see this button, please contact support to have it enabled).
Rosters should be uploaded in a text file in .csv (comma separated value) format.
Files should have the .csv extension. You can save as this format in standard spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. The variables written <like this> are the columns for your spreadsheet (each value exists in its own cell). We suggest to not include the column names in the .csv file, but if you do, we'll gracefully skip that first line containing those column names.
- One person per line.
Acceptable roles include player, captain, coach, assistant coach, chaperone, staff, team admin.
Separate multiple roles with a pipe "|" character.
Acceptable (registration) statuses include accepted, pending, waitlisted, incomplete, inactive.
- Status (i.e. the person's registration status), player first and last name, email address and team name are mandatory fields. Roles can be left blank and will default to player.
- Team names containing commas must be placed inside quotes.
Note that no new user profiles will be created in this process. To upload rosters containing new accounts, please first use the bulk Account Import feature in the Admin > Settings > Import section of the site before using the Upload Roster feature.
Roster Upload Sample
accepted, John, Doe, john@doe.com, Team A, player
accepted, Jane, Doe, jane@doe.com, Team A, player|captain
pending, June, Doe, june@doe.com, "Team with a comma, B", coach|team admin